Steven Haigh
Success Story
Steven Haigh was living a normal work and home life before his accident. One day while hanging trim on his house, he fell off a ladder and had to have spinal surgery. While an inpatient in a hospital in Bronson, Mich., Steven did an online search and chose Rehabilitation Hospital of Northern Indiana (RHNI) for inpatient rehabilitation after seeing the hospital’s high ratings.
During his stay at RHNI, Steven says that encouragement from the therapists greatly influenced his recovery, especially Louie and Teagan. “They inspired me to push myself,” he says.
Steven’s definition of a successful recovery is to be able to walk again, although he understands that small steps toward that goal are important. With the help of outpatient therapy and a positive mindset, he is working toward his goal. He wants to return to his normal life, and has already made plans to attend a Red Wing game.